Friday, April 15, 2011

J-Dub's Cuisine

    So I figured since I critique Casper restaurants on their food you should have a chance or two to critique mine.  Not that I am going to cook for all of you (maybe someday), but I suppose I can share a few of my fantastic creations.  As many know I am not very shy with some of my  'secrets', but my recipes are highly guarded.  With that said I also feel that good food should be shared among friends.  Anyone that goes to the grocery stores here in Casper knows we really don't have the best selection of ingredients.  The only good thing about that is it forces you think outside of the box (dinners).  I may later give my ratings for the grocers in town as well, but for now... give this a try;

J-Dub's World's Greatest Grilled Cheese Ever In Existence
(One of them anyway, I have dozens)


Rye bread (fresh baked is best of course but ya know)
Kraft Mayo with Olive Oil
Sliced Swiss cheese (again try to at least go to a deli or specialty store)
Sliced Havarti cheese (ditto)
2 ripe tomatoes (I prefer Roma tomatoes)
Oregano (dried, fresh gets chewy) 
Basil (ditto)
Land O' Lakes spreadable butter with canola oil

    Alright people, the mayo goes on the inside of the bread, the butter on the outside.  You'd think that didn't need explaining, but have you been to a Walmart lately (by the way, some produce there is okay the rest I wouldn't feed my dog.  On that note my dog loves this recipe).  Cheese, spices, and tomatoes go in-between the two slices of bread.  Again, the side with the mayo on the inside.  I like to actually fry the tomatoes with a little EVOO (extra virgin olive oil) first.  It gets rid of some of the juice that can make a perfectly good grilled cheese sandwich leak (eww).  I have a bad tendency to use too much cheese in everything so two slices of each kind will suffice.  Grill the sandwich.  A cast iron griddle is best, but a frying pan will work in a pinch.  Medium high heat, but pay attention to it.  You don't want to char the outside into a brick and still have a cold lump of cheese in the middle. If your a cheese-aholic like me the key is to let the grilled sandwich set a minute before chomping in.  The cheese then is more of a bubbly solid than a hot wax sex thing.  As an after thought a little olive tapenade (on the mayo side) would probably be great on this sandwich.  This stuff you can get  in the aisle with the dry pastas and canned sauces or the aisle that you can never find that always has just olives in it.  Maybe I'll put my recipe for my olive tapenade on here later, but I'll warn you, anchovy paste is kind of hard to find around Casper. Give it a try and let me know what you think.  If you don't like it, you probably made it wrong.
(I'll take any recognition if you decide to make this for your friends... unless they hate it, then it was your idea.)

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