Saturday, December 17, 2011

Been a long time, been a long time baby!

So it seems I haven't written in a while. Sorry folks, all the 4 of you. Love's though.  Unfortunately I have only been eating much at home... if I'm eating at all.  Gay boy's what can I say.  So losing weight is easy.  "when your almost ready to pass out, eat a cube of cheese." Speaking of cheese, I'm a whore.  Brie, Cheddar, Mozza, Parm, I'm a fan of all.  Best thing man invented.  I know, rotten milk, but hey, someone had to come up with it right?  Instead of getting all into a recipe, I'm just gonna give some hints.  Cheese everything! Blue on steak.  Brie on fruit. Smoked cheddar on salad (or anything).  I make mac and cheese with as many cheeses as I can afford at the time. When you cook up some chicken breasts, put on some cheese.  Italian, mozz, and parm... you want homestyle, a little cheddar.  It's all in the making.  It's amazing how you can change a meal with a little cheese.  I guess I could go on forever, but instead one last hint.  A few cubes of smoked Gouda in tomato soup, with JDub's "Worlds Greatest Grilled Cheese Ever in Existence" is completely heavenly.  Loves to all.

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